Archive for the ‘Screenshots’ Category

That’s enough leveling

October 16, 2017

So the goal of getting all twelve classes to max level is complete. Thanks to two or three invasions over the last week, the last two are done.

The eleventh was Adryen the monk.

And last we have my demon hunter, Feorn the Fabulous.

The twelve are split evenly, six Alliance, six Horde … although I wasn’t quite organized enough to split them further by armor type, as all of my clothies are Horde and all of my plate wearers are Alliance. Meh, whatever. At least I also got the tailors on Horde with the clothies and the BS on Alliance with the plate wearers. Sorry Horde, the LW is on Alliance. Maybe when I’m bored (wait, when is that??) I’ll send some of the duplicate class alts to the invasions to remedy that situation.

Next goal is to finish all of the class campaigns, followed by all of the class mounts. I’ve finished like half of the campaigns so far? No, seven. I’ve gotten four of the mounts, although I have two more that are on the final quest/scenario to get theirs. The last of the seven just needs to collect sentinax marks which I am really lazy about because boooooooooring. The other five are recently leveled and still working on the gear they need to do the heroic dungeons in their class campaigns. Yes, yes, I could do normal, but the queues for normal are usually longer. And it only takes a few carefully chosen WQs and whatever unsullied gear Kerick finds to get them up to 825. It’s really not difficult.

Side goal for Oranis the mage, as mentioned last week, is all of the Legion fishing reps, most of which I plan to do on Sundays while I watch football. Yesterday I did the one in Azsuna since that is who was up. Thankfully, these take MUCH less time than Conjurer Margoss did, mainly because the things that you fish up can be 3-4 at a time instead of only 1-2 like his are. In just about 2 hours, give or take 10 minutes, I was done.

…Nine, Ten, Go Fish!

October 9, 2017

Well, another Darkmoon Faire has come and gone and I’m still a couple hundred tickets short of the dirigible mount. But hey, it also means another week of carousel buffs! I made the most of it. Between that and two or three invasions at the right times during the week, I managed to get two more classes to max level.

Kalyon hit it first on the invasion in Val’sharah.

Now I just have to max out all of his weapons so I can get pets! Fortunately, that is pretty easy now since you automagically get the AK levels when you ding.

Kriann didn’t quite get there on the invasions, but she was SOOO CLOSE that I decided to go ahead and do some profession quests that she needed to work on. She was finishing up an inscription quest in Felblaze Ingress when she dinged.

That was all on Saturday. Yesterday though I wasn’t feeling very well, and didn’t have the energy for running around, questing, even swapping characters seemed like work. So I logged onto Oranis, joined a Conjurer Margoss fishing raid, and settled in to grind rep and watch football.

Not gonna lie, it took several hours even in a group. The size varied from only 4 or 5 of us to around 20 as people came and went throughout the day. I took a couple of breaks myself, for eating and just moving around. But I got it done and collected the two toys, two pets, and the mount. As a bonus, one of the toys put me at 300 so I earned the mount that comes with that achievement as well! Now I just have what, 5 new fishing dudes to grind rep with? *sigh*

As for the last two classes I need to level, the monk and demon hunter are both 109, so it won’t be long.

That Makes 8

October 2, 2017

Faire time! Let’s hop on the carousel and get those alts rolling. Pretty epic ding here by Professor Paddey on Coren Direbrew to make priest my 8th class to 110.

He had a couple of pieces of unsullied gear from Kerick’s adventures on Argus, as well as ilevel 885 BoE gloves that dropped for Oranis in Tomb. (I almost said Nighthold, that’s how much I skipped over Tomb of Sargeras. I only just finished it in LFR on Saturday!) I sent him out to do the WQs that awarded gear upgrades for him. He has to do a dungeon to advance his class campaign though, so I’m holding off on those until next week when the Legion dungeon event is the weekly. That also gives me enough time to get him geared enough for heroics.

The other four classes (monk, demon hunter, death knight, shaman) are all at 108 or 109 so it won’t be long. No hurry though, as I’m still working on 3 class mounts plus now Paddey as well.

Speaking of class mounts, Madorsa finally got around to getting her demon horseys.

Or two of them at least. I’ll need to wait on the rare spawn to get the purple one.

Hunahuna the druid is on the second to last stage, the mission. She was stuck on the 3 rare elites for awhile but finished her balance weapon this weekend so I went and got her bear claws. Having had such success with Kerick going prot for Argus, I figured going tank with her should get me past the elites. Even if I couldn’t solo them, as a tank I’d only have to wait for one dps to come help. Well, I *was* able to solo the third one .. barely. I learned a lot by not having any help. She’s looking forward to finishing and getting to Argus.

Sanbec is actually on the class mount scenario. However, Blizzard made the warrior scenario a little more difficult than some of the other classes’ questlines, and I was unable to do it at his sad ilevel, even after going prot. He’s collecting gear and should be able to manage it soon.

Juna is the farthest behind .. or was until Paddey dinged. She is on the stupid Sentinax marks. Easy enough for her as a hunter, I just need to be motived to bother with it.

They Got The Nightmare Part Right

September 18, 2017

The last official weekend of the summer before the autumn equinox was a beautiful one here … 80 degrees F and sunny. So I took advantage of the weather on Saturday and .. sat in front of my computer almost all freaking day. Yeah. I blame the Dreamweavers or whatever those druids in Val’sharah call themselves, because if they had just given me a unicorn I would not have been so determined to jump through the necessary hoops to obtain a Lucid Nightmare. For those unfamiliar, the best guide is this extremely detailed comment on Wowhead.

So I sat down on Saturday morning to get started. The college football game that I wanted to watch started at noon so I figured I was going to be stuck inside watching that anyway, I may as well work on this while I’m at it. I started before the daily reset, which happens at 11am my time, so it was probably around 10:30am. I was in Ulduar somewhere when the reset happened. Now, I did make this take longer because I figured as long as I was there and still need pets, mounts, and transmogs, I was going to run the whole thing. The lights on/lights off pattern was quite easy really, except for the Dark Rune Sentinels that kept spawning every so often and putting me in combat from Razorscale’s area even though I had killed her. And I did complete the 25 man mage set and get two of the pets that I needed, so it was a good run.

All the rest of the stuff up to the Endless Halls was easy and painless for the most part. Note that you can skip that annoying slime boss in Ahn’Qiraj. I’m not sure what time it was when I finished up these things and headed to Kun’Lai. I took a couple of breaks to get a couple loads of laundry done and hung on the line since it was nice out, and made some lunch. So it was after lunch but still early afternoon. Let’s say 1:30 eh?

O. M. G. It sounds easy enough, but with the different levels and the warp rooms there was NO WAY I was getting anything accomplished by trying to map it out on paper. I spent about 3 hours on it before I’d had enough and just plain went AFK to take the dog for a nice long walk.

After we got back and I fed him and made myself a sandwich, I downloaded the Lucid Nightmare Helper addon. Do yourself a favour and just go do this before you even get to the Endless Halls. Even with the helper, the first attempt I made once I had it installed had me continually ending up in the same room even though I was sure I was taking different routes. An hour of that and I was like, yeah so .. I need a shower. So I took another break.

On the final restart (if you log in and out you’re in a completely new maze), I was getting the hang of mapping things out with the addon, and found everything except for one of the orb rooms. My map was looking like a huge mess by this time, so I made a mental note of approximately where things were in relation to each other, then erased the map I had drawn on my addon to start a clean one .. same maze, just redrawing a new map in the addon. This is what it looked like when I completed the map and was ready to start matching orbs with runes:

You may have to click on it to see the full size, apparently I can’t crop photos on here anymore.

Not that the time stamp in the corner up there says 8:06 pm. That’s right. At this point I’ve been at it for 9.5 hours. Ok, take away probably 90 minutes for meals, dog walking, a shower, etc. and that still has me at 8 hours time spent looking at the computer screen. And I’m not finished yet! I still have to match these things up, then go to the Forgotten Crypt outside of Karazhan and wander around there until I find this lovely box with the purple runes.

Time stamp there is 8:47pm. So yeah … that was a long dang day y’all!

But it was definitely worth it. As a bonus, this spectral dragon was hanging around Dalaran because I had Ebonchill equipped at the time, so she made the screenshot that much more awesome.

New background image fo’ sho’!

So there, stingy elves in Val’sharah! I got a unicorn anyway!!