Archive for February, 2015

Three Posts in Two Days?!?

February 27, 2015

What the heck? Was there a patch or something?

So, I got a mission to get that darn SELFIE camera. But not on one of my 100s. So Arelin, guess what? I mean, you’re already 97 and leading the pack to be next anyway, but now your fate is sealed. So here is probably the last NON-selfie pic you will get of him. It also shows how sexy he looks. The patch seems to have changed the hair colours so this is as dark as it gets, unfortunately.


Van dropped in to turn over his missions and see who was visiting his garrison, and ended up with the best. minion. evar. I mean really, who’s gonna mess with you when Saurfang has your back?


Stormwing seems to be suitably impressed. You can also see there in the background the new Deathwatch Hatchling from the guild achievement for all CM golds. I’ve never done CMs but fortunately, my guild has plenty of serious people who knocked them out pretty quickly, allowing the rest of us slackers the opportunity to buy this. So my buddy Bocat came over and made a DK so she can get one too. It only requires getting exalted with the guild, which is pretty easy. So once she got to Org I went to visit her and give her some bags because those 12 slot things are just not big enough. We got out the toybox and I bought myself a glyph of play dead and we had a good time goofing off.


Yes, that’s a dead goren wearing blazing wings and blackflame daggers, lying next to a dead clefthoof. hehe

Enough Already

February 26, 2015

The park sure is lovely this time of year.


Well, it’s on the other side of that snow that the plows have pushed off the road, so you’ll have to take my word for it.

New Stuff!

February 26, 2015

So how is everyone enjoying the patch? For the collectors like me it has been awesome so far … new pets, new followers, new toys, the jukebox and all of the music scrolls to go find … plenty of things to keep me occupied. There are even new missions that award archaeology pieces. This is good.

Van went to Black Temple for pets, and got frozen in mid-swing in a nice pose.


Between collecting all of the new things, though, Sanbec still found time to finish off that August Celestials rep so he could learn Alani.


Mount up!


As far as the new belf models go … I’m not excited about them but I have no problem with them, either. Much like the Forsaken, they are close enough to the originals as to not distract me while I am playing.

Lots ‘o Lovin

February 20, 2015

Yeah I know Love is in the Air has been over for a few days now, but I’ve been busy!

I finally bit the bullet one night and used the new group finder tool to join a group doing the achievement to get the new toy. And I have to say … that thing is SUPER convenient for getting things done! I was very surprised at how easy it was to find a large group and get in on the action within seconds, no waiting.


One person was ‘it’ and went around the circle. As that person went around targeting each person making up the circle, they would use their item on them and either jump or say ‘used’ to let them know they could move on to the next person. The stacks fall off after 10 seconds if not reapplied, thus the need for many people and a good system. The person in charge kept a list of people who still needed to be ‘it’, and would mark the person who would be next with an ‘x’ so that when ‘skull’ was done, they could jump right in and keep the circle moving.


It did take awhile because of the number of people involved but it was easy and actually a pretty good time.

In other news that sort of fits with the theme, Karius and Kalyon finally finished their joint effort to create a Vial of the Sands for my good friend Bocat.


In exchange, she helped me get Alani because she seems to enjoy farming skyshards, but, I don’t have any pictures yet because even though cloud serpent riding is account-wide, the mount still requires August Celestials rep to learn, so Sanbec has been visiting Pandaria to do dailies. :p