Stupid Buggy Fight

So yeah, I am *trying* to collect at least one of the new pets from Hallow’s End. I figure if I only get one, that will give me some incentive to actually do the holiday again next year. This would be much less annoying if the Headless Horseman fight didn’t randomly d/c the entire group half the time. Which wouldn’t be so bad if not for the fact that when you come back on, it zones you into the regular dungeon, not the holiday version, so there’s no horseman and you are SOL and have to either drop and take a debuff, or clear the place and re-queue. Seriously, Blizz … this better get fixed in today’s maintenance.

I’ve also been running a different character through the invasion quests each day, partly to hoard starlettes and partly hoping a bronze whelpling will drop. Gear upgrades are just a bonus for me, not an incentive.

Ok, two tiny paragraphs hardly make a post, so … how about a Crimean Tatar lesson?

Let’s start with Yashlav-bey.


A Bey is a chieftain or leader of a tribal clan. So our guy here is chief of the Yashlav clan. What his actual name is, doesn’t matter.

Now a mirza, on the other hand, like Mirza Davletshi here, is a high noble or prince. They tended to have large amounts of wealth and were most often descended from royalty.


Strangely enough, Davletshi did not lose his horse in this battle … he never had one. It seems he prefers to walk, which is … damn strange. I mean, with Anton it made sense, because he was carrying a huge musket that can’t be used on horseback, but this guy? I mean really, wtf? You’re a Tatar! That’s almost synonymous with horseman, isn’t it?

Remember Mirza Divey, who had been in my prison in Kezlev Fortress for well over a year?


Yup, I was shocked too when he decided to join us after finally gaining his freedom. I am hoping we can actually become friends now.

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One Response to “Stupid Buggy Fight”

  1. wolfgangcat Says:

    I got both of the new cat pets by running 2 characters through ET and Kalimdor for the Inn pumpkins and a couple of the dailies.

    I won’t get the Lich King Costume this year because I’m too burned out to try. Cat pets > temporary costume lol.

    No HH mount AGAIN this year and I’m running 12 90s through it every day. So far I’ve got 3 swords, 2 helms, 5000 brooms and endless masks.

    The HH mount is a lie.

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