Trial of Style

Despite my interest in transmog, I wasn’t too excited about the Trial of Style. None of the mog prizes were that exciting to me. The only one I really wanted was the mail set. I would have totally forgotten about the event altogether until I saw someone on my friends list queue for it. So I figured, ok, I’ll go get that set and be done.




I queued up my hunter first since that was the set I wanted. She went in blind with no idea what she was in for. I didn’t do so well but at least now I understood how it worked. And it was FUN! It took a few rounds to get the tokens I needed and then I put her away.


Next day I thought You know, that was pretty fun. I should take my main mage and make him some theme sets ahead of time and see how he does.  So I made him a few sets of the themes that I had seen already and queued him up. Naturally, the first theme was one I hadn’t seen before so I had to create something on the fly. Being a belf, he has an extensive wardrobe, so it was pretty easy to come up with an Epic Purples outfit. And he won! First try. Go figure.

So then I thought, well, I might as well get the plate, too. So I made some outfits for Kerick. Faction Pride came up, and I had the Stormwind Guard transmog from the Draenor garrison thing already saved up and ready to load. Yeah, it’s a set, not a unique mog. I figured that was a mark against it, but apparently it didn’t matter. It won.

Then there was the rogue. I have an extremely limited leather wardrobe, so I wasn’t sure how that would go.  But his Primal Style outfit won. It seems like tying together a look ahead of time does make a difference.  As you can see in the shot which has the top three all on the podium, the other two had the right idea. But their outfits were just a little too thrown together and mishmash to stand up to the cohesive design. Could I have thrown this together in 2 minutes and had it look like this? Probably not. Planning ahead does pay off.

And here is a better shot of him by himself.

I really hope they do this again, preferably not just once a year. It would be nice if they added some new prizes. I think people really enjoyed this. I know I did!

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4 Responses to “Trial of Style”

  1. Zeirah Says:

    Wow your outfits are awesome, especially the primal one.
    What Draenor garrison Stormwind guard outfit? Is this something I missed being Horde? I will have to look into this!

  2. repgrind Says:

    Yeah they’re from the Dwarven Bunker/War Mill. The Horde version of course was Orgrimmar guard. You buy the pieces with Scraps of Iron.

  3. Alunaria Says:

    How cool, thank you for sharing 😀 Nicely done coming up with that on the spot!

    Congrats on all them victories 😉 Hehe, its quite fun to see all those participating and their transmogs 🙂

  4. wolfgangcat Says:

    Those are fantastic! You definitely have a flair for this – awesome outfits!

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